Caine's Arcade, the story of a 9-year-old boy named Caine, who played in his father's car part's shop one summer gathering cardboard boxes and turning them into a mini arcade.He never had a single customer until one day, filmmaker, Nirvan Mullick, took interest and broadcasted this documentary which sparked international phenomenon with the Imagination Foundation and Global Cardboard Challenge.(
Last year I had the chance to join the movement through my Early Childhood Education courses at GCC's 2nd Annual Cardboard Challenge. I led two separate teams in creating and building a caterpillar to encourage story time and an ice cream shop for pretend play. Both of these themes motivated the five areas of child development: physical, social and emotional, approaches to learning, thinking, and communication and language.
I would like to extend an invitation to this public event happening this October 5,6 and 8.
Selected schools all over the island will bring their projects to the Multipurpose Auditorium (MPA) at Guam Community College (GCC) to showcase their creations. I am anxious to see the imagination of how children manipulate and play with cardboard this time around.
Stay tuned for future postings...