Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and as I reflect on the previous year I can’t help but to recall all the magnificent blessings that I was afforded, like people helping me with my parents as they get older and unable to fend for themselves around the house as well as help with my school studies and events.
I think of all the family, friends and new faces that I have encountered through my daily interactions at my home, neighborhood, stores and on my routes to school or professional events.
I also remember the ones that I have lost through suicide, terminal illness or just accidental mishaps and how I can’t enjoy their company and every time I envision them, I cry like a big baby!
On Thanksgiving, whether you view it as a religious celebration or not, it is a period when we should frequently consider things for which we can be appreciative and how to love one another and to be kind to one another, especially to the unfortunate souls that struggle to pay the bills, strive to find a decent shelter, failed attempts to clothe their children and put food on the table.
When I think of Thanksgiving, I don’t identify with how the Native Americans and Pilgrims gathered to commemorate this holiday, but how, we as humanity need to be reminded to chill out and think of how we can give peaceful and loving gestures towards one another. It’s disheartening to think about it that way, but with technology on the rise, we tend to compete with the Joneses that we fail to see that a simple life is what we all seek. We don’t need to be fancy, we need to be humble and take care of our brothers and sisters besides ourselves.
Therefore, my wish to all of you, should you need any help, just ask and I will be there for you. You can count on me to do my best to help you and whatever I have I will share with you, even if it is a piece of gum or to borrow my phone charger.
I thank you all, for whatever you do, large or small or for things that you do that I don't see or feel at that moment but later down the road. Your kind and gracious heart will be rewarded. I also want to Thank my husband, he is my every second, every minute, on the hour blessing!
So, continue to make remarkable memories, make your day sensational, and yes, please pass the gravy!